Friday, October 9, 2009

The day the internet ran out

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you’ve seen everything on the internet, like the internet just ran out of websites and stuff to see and do? That’s me most days, I get the urge to announce “Aaaaannnndddd done. I’ve seen everything on the internet that isn’t pornographic or violent in nature”. I don’t, of course, because that would annoyed my coworkers but I do have the urge nonetheless to stand on my chair and shout. Today happily was not one of those days – today was a great internet cruising day! Yes, my life is that full…!

So today’s internet finds come through the really great blog How About Orange ( – Jessica is incredibly crafty and a lot of her projects are right at my level, beginner. Check out these two neat-o projects:

How to make a bow from a magazine page

Photo from How About Orange

Spooky packing tape transfers

Photo from How About Orange

Through her website I also stumbled upon Megan over at Plum Pudding ( and her DIY cleaning kit! She collected a bunch of recipes for make-your-own cleaning products which are very environmentally friendly and I’m looking forward to trying them out and seeing how effective they actually are. Here’s a soft scrub recipe – I wonder what the aspirin does????

Soft Scrub for toilets and tubs (and more)
1 cup baking soda
3-5 drops tea tree oil
¼ cup liquid castile soap
2 aspirins, powdered

Mix all ingredients and add enough water to make a paste. Store in a squeeze bottle. To use, apply with a sponge, scrub and rinse thoroughly.
From Make Your Place by Raleigh Briggs, 2009.

And now to switch gears from germ removal to birthdays (a natural conversational bridge) - this is pre-emptive birthday shout out to Carisa! I hope you have a super duper day tomorrow! If you lived here in Seattle, I would bake you this cake:

A Root Bear Float Cake from Joy the Baker


Yuummmmmmmm! And Bon Weekend!

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