So today’s internet finds come through the really great blog How About Orange ( – Jessica is incredibly crafty and a lot of her projects are right at my level, beginner. Check out these two neat-o projects:
How to make a bow from a magazine page
Photo from How About Orange
Spooky packing tape transfers
Photo from How About Orange
Through her website I also stumbled upon Megan over at Plum Pudding ( and her DIY cleaning kit! She collected a bunch of recipes for make-your-own cleaning products which are very environmentally friendly and I’m looking forward to trying them out and seeing how effective they actually are. Here’s a soft scrub recipe – I wonder what the aspirin does????
Soft Scrub for toilets and tubs (and more)
1 cup baking soda
3-5 drops tea tree oil
¼ cup liquid castile soap
2 aspirins, powdered
Mix all ingredients and add enough water to make a paste. Store in a squeeze bottle. To use, apply with a sponge, scrub and rinse thoroughly.
From Make Your Place by Raleigh Briggs, 2009.
And now to switch gears from germ removal to birthdays (a natural conversational bridge) - this is pre-emptive birthday shout out to Carisa! I hope you have a super duper day tomorrow! If you lived here in Seattle, I would bake you this cake:
A Root Bear Float Cake from Joy the Baker
Yuummmmmmmm! And Bon Weekend!
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