Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our little garden

Here are a few pics of our little garden that I planted a few weeks ago! Due to the wooded area directly behind our building, we only get a few hours of direct sunlight a day (provided its not being wonderfully west coast - gray and pissing rain) so we have to jam our few pots of flowers and cute Japanese maple into the corner of the deck that gets the most sunlight. I'm really pleased with how pretty they've turned out! The colours of the stock flowers are so vibrant, the violas are soft and pretty and the lavender is starting to bloom.





After much coercion Moose agreed to have his picture taken in our "garden".

1 comment:

  1. Gorge!!! I love the plants and the patina on the pots too. Fab pics too - are they from your SLR?
